Final Project: Programming with Scratch
Understand and practice programming concepts by build a project with scratch.
Due Day: 5/14/2023
- Project plan due at 5/7/2023
- Project middle check at 5/7/2023
- Demo your project at 5/14/2023
Main Requirements (total 60Pt)
- (15 pts) Pass and receive message between
- (15 pts) Use “Clone” in your project to create duplicate object
- (15 pts) Use “Modules” and “Variables” in your project for re-useable logic.
- (15 pts) Demo your project
Other requirements for a completed scratch projects (total 40pt +)
1. (5pts) Have a welcome page with name , credit, and start button.
2. (5pts) have introduce to use how to control or play
3. (5pts/each) Additional stages for different level or scenes.
4. (5pts) Score system.
5. (5pts) sounds and background music
6. (5pts) Drawing graphic your self
7. (5pts) Make the sound your self
8. (5pts) Game Over and re start.
Extra points
- (5pts/each) extra points for any item that you did a very good job.
- You can remex form starter project from scratch website.
You can use free images and music you get from google.
- Google is your friends.