
learning coding with Scratch , Python and Java

Grade 6-8 Minecraft and Python Programming



Students will learn programming by writing Python code that runs within the Minecraft Game. Class content will include basic Python programming knowledge and network knowledge. Students will set up their own Minecraft Server, install modules, then write Python code to run in the Minecraft world. Our goal is to learn programming while having fun in Minecraft.

MLCCC Classroom Zoom Meeting rules

MLCCC Minecraft server rules

Session 1: [6/19,6/26] Get started with Python and Minecraft

  1. Python and Minecraft installation
    • Demo what python could do in Minecraft game
    • Setup Minecraft server
    • Install Python and Modules
    • Run your first python code in the Minecraft world
    • download spigot 1.16.1 2020-08-01 build
  2. Learn Programming with Python and Minecraft
    • Understanding the coordinates of Minecraft
    • Stack Blocks with loop

Session 2: [7/10,7/17] Python Data Types, Condition and double loops

  1. Data Types String and Number
    • Use PostToChat post String to Minecraft chat
    • Get a Number from input string
  2. Condition & more loops
    • Are you in air or in water (Boolean and condition basic)
    • Build a wall or building with double or triple loop

Session 3: [7/24,7/31] Python Function, Pixel Art and Minecraft Server

  1. Python use functions & Make Pixel Art
    • Use function to organize your scripts
    • Pixel Art with blocks
  2. Minecraft server network concept
    • Network, firewall and port
    • introduce minecraft plugin
    • Share your own minecraft server with you friends
    • Run python code from MineCraft through MCPI-plugin

Session 4: [8/7,8/14] Python File, Module , Class and Using Github

  1. Python Class and OOP
    • Save to and Load Data from file
    • Object Oriented Concepts
    • Class with methods and attributes
    • Different Classes Using Inheritance
  2. More OOP and Github
    • create a github account
    • upload your python code to your repository
    • setup your site

Minecraft Server and plugins

Click to download the spigot 1.16.1 with plugin