
learning coding with Scratch , Python and Java

2.2 Build Smiley Pong Game

1. Load a image on Screen with PyGame

In the folder where you have the python code, create a images folder, Save the image as happyface.png to it. happyface

# this script is demo how to load a image to the pygame screen

import pygame  # Setup

screen = pygame.display.set_mode([800, 600])
keep_going = True

# define the picture path and name, it in same location of the script
pic = pygame.image.load("images/happyface.png")

while keep_going:  # Game loop
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            keep_going = False

    # blit() method will load the image from hard disk.  position will be (x,y)
    screen.blit(pic, (100, 100))


pygame.quit()  # Exit

load image

2. Make the image bounce onScreen with PyGame!

2.1 Diagrame of the logic


2.2 Code example

import pygame  

# 1 initial game
screen = pygame.display.set_mode([800,600])
pygame.display.set_caption("Happy Face")
keep_going = True
pic = pygame.image.load("happyface.png")
color_key = pic.get_at((0,0))  
pic.set_colorkey(color_key) #Set the transparent colorkey
pic_x = 0
pic_y = 0
BLACK = (0,0,0)
WHITE = (255,255,255)
timer = pygame.time.Clock()
speed_x = 5
speed_y = 5

pic_w = pic.get_width()
pic_h = pic.get_height()

points = 0
lives = 5
font = pygame.font.SysFont("Times", 24)

#2 Game loop if keep_going is true
while keep_going:   
    # 3 check event
    for event in pygame.event.get(): 
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT: 
            keep_going = False
    #4 update pic position  
    # 4.1 update pic x,y with speed         
    pic_x += speed_x
    pic_y += speed_y
    # 4.2 check the bouncing 
    if pic_x <= 0 or (pic_x + pic_w) >= 800:
        speed_x = -speed_x
        print("pic_x+pic_w>800: "+str(pic_x + pic_w))
    if pic_y <= 0 or (pic_y + pic_h) >= 600:
        speed_y = -speed_y
        print("pic_y+pic_h>600: "+str(pic_y + pic_h))
    # 4.3 draw the picture on the screen    
    screen.blit(pic, (pic_x, pic_y))  
    # 5 Update Display   
    timer.tick(60)  # how many frame every sec,

# Quite/Exit Game    

2.3 bounce happy face

2.4 Key points

2.4.1 control the refresh rate with Clock Class

Pygame has a tool that can help us control the speed of our animation: the Clock class.

what is Class in programming

Below line will create a variable all timer linked to a Clock object.

#define the time at init section
timer = pygame.time.Clock()

Below line will tell tmer to “tick” 60 time per second:

## make the tick to 60 in the game loop

2.4.2 Bounce from the wall

if location x touch the left board “0” or touch the right board location “800”, change the speed direction.

  if x <= 0 or (x + pic_w) >= 800:
        speed_x = -speed_x

2.4.3 Change the direction

The direction will changed by move speed of speed_x and speed_y

try different speed to see how the ball moving.