3 Build a AirForce Game step by step (Part 2)
3.4 Step4: Let air plane fire bullet
Prepare the bullet
#initial bullets bullets=[] # to store all bullets' location bullet = pygame.image.load("images/bullet.png")
Draw the bullet in screen
#4 - Draw bullet index=0 for bulletPos in bullets: bulletPos[0]=bulletPos[0]+1 screen.blit(bullet,bulletPos) #remove bullet if out the screen if bulletPos[0]<-64 or bulletPos[0]>640 or bulletPos[1]<-64 or bulletPos[1]>480: bullets.pop(index) #remove from list index+=1
Mouse Click or space key down to fire
# use mouse click or space to fire if event.type==pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN or (event.type==pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key==pygame.K_SPACE): bullets.append([player_pos[0],player_pos[1]])
3.5 Step 5: Add Enemies
Prepare images for enemies
initial the code for Enemies
#5 initial enemies enemyImg = pygame.image.load("images/enemy2.png") enemys=[[640,100]] enemySpeed=-0.5 enemyMaxnumber=5 #how many enemies in the screen same time
in the keep_going loop , draw enemies
#5 Draw enemies random time and only keep 5 enemies in screen if(random.randint(1,100)<3 and len(enemys)<enemyMaxnumber): enemys.append([640, random.randint(50,430)]) index=0 for enemyPos in enemys: enemyPos[0]+=enemySpeed if enemyPos[0]<50: enemys.pop(index) screen.blit(enemyImg, enemyPos) index+=1 #end step 5
Load a different Enemy image
#5 enemy enemyImg = pygame.image.load("images/enemy1.png") enemyImg=pygame.transform.scale(enemyImg, (75, 75)) enemys=[[640,100]] enemySpeed=-0.3 enemyMaxnumber=5
3.6 Step 6: Check the collision
update code in the loop of enemies
enemy_index=0 for enemyPos in enemys: enemyPos[0]+=enemySpeed if enemyPos[0]<50: enemys.pop(enemy_index) screen.blit(enemyImg, enemyPos) # 6 Check for collisions enemyRect=pygame.Rect(enemyImg.get_rect()) enemyRect.left=enemyPos[0] enemyRect.top=enemyPos[1] bullet_index=0 for bulletPos in bullets: bulletRect=pygame.Rect(bullet.get_rect()) # get rect of bullet image size bulletRect.left=bulletPos[0] bulletRect.top=bulletPos[1] if bulletRect.colliderect(enemyRect): enemys.pop(enemy_index) bullets.pop(bullet_index) bullet_index+=1 # end step 6 enemy_index+=1
source code
3.7 Step 7: Add explosion animation
- prepare images of explosion
download all explosion images
initial explosion before
loop#7 initial load explosion animation images explosions=[] # store explosion location and img index [(x,y),i,t] explosion_anim=[] #store img for animation BLACK = (0, 0, 0) explosion_time=60 for i in range(9): filename = 'Explosion0{}.png'.format(i) img = pygame.image.load("images/"+ filename).convert() # convert will create a copy that will draw more quickly on the screen. img.set_colorkey(BLACK) img= pygame.transform.scale(img, (75, 75)) explosion_anim.append(img)
add explosion code before display update
#step 7 plan explosion animation for explosion in explosions: if(explosion[1]<9): screen.blit(explosion_anim[explosion[1]],explosion[0]) explosion[2]=explosion[2]-1 if(explosion[2]<0): explosion[1]=explosion[1]+1 explosion[2]=explosion_time else: explosions.pop(0) # the first one is always first completed #end step7
source code