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My Welcome Message plugin for bukkit/spigot Minecraft server


I wrote the plugin because I can’t find a simple welcome message plugin that support line break.


example of config.yml

config.yml could be find in \plugins\welcome_plugin\

    message: '&5Welcome, &r&2%p&r&5 to the Minecraft server! \n Enjoy~~'
        - '&3 section1'
        - '&6 section2\ content....'
    linebreak: '\\n'
    delay: 2

for message color and format check Minecraft Formatting code.

todo: will support multiple line saved in array.


Download the plugin jar file and put in the plugins folder, After the first run, you will see the \welcome_plugin\ folder in the plugins you could update the config.yml to change the welcome message.


Other download source

Build the project

Install Maven

for how to use Maven please read Maven in 5 min:

Set Maven path

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\tools\apache-maven-3.6.3\bin

Download the spigot.jar and add to dependency

option 1. save to lib folder and add to pow.html dependency


option 2. import to maven repository check import-jars

      <!-- This adds the Spigot Maven repository to the build -->
       <!-- <version>1.16.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT</version> -->

run command in the folder with pom.xml

mvn package