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Introductions and Python Code examples for kids to learn python programming with minecraft. The Python code will run with a modified MCPI (Pi edition API Python Library) call `mcpi-e`, and a mincraft server call spigot with the RaspberryJuice plugin installed.

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How to SetUp a Minecraft Server (Java Edition)

We use Minecraft 1.15.2 for both server and client.

Your PC have a speical address and it never changed “localhost” or “”.

Please follow steps below to join your Minecraft server

Step 1

Open Minecraft make user use the saver version of the Minecraft server, and click “Multiplayer” step1

Step 2

In the Multiplayer page, select Add Server step1

Step 3

Give a server name, and put localhost in the Server Address box” step1

Step 4

Back to Multiplayer Screen, you will see your new added server in the list., Click that, and click “Join Server” step1

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