
learning coding with Scratch , Python and Java

06 String & Characters

6.1 Python Strings

A String is a sequence of characters ( or call symbols)


6.1.1 Code to find the ASCII value

The function ord() could convert character to ASCII value.

value_P = ord('P')
print("ASCII value of 'P' is ", value_P)
#Upper case 'P' is 80

value_p = ord('p')
print("ASCII value of 'p' is ", value_p)  
#lower case 'p' is 112

The function chr() could return character from the ASCII value.

6.1.2 The ASCII Table


6.1.3 Print ASCII

You could use loop to print ASCII characters

for x in range(20):
    for y in range(20):


6.1.4 Print String with Color


print(R+"hello how are you")
print(G+"hello how are you")

6.1.5 Practice below useful string functions

testStr = "Hello World"
#to upper case
#to lower case
# get the length
#insert string to another string
# use join to reverse a string
# replace a string
#split a string in to array
print(testStr.split(" "))

6.1.6 DIY, Use Characters to Print ASCII Arts

There is some examples, Please create one yourself

elephant rabbit pumpkin love

6.2 Cipher: Make a secret string

6.2.1 Caesar Cipher

caesar cipher shipt20 cipher

6.2.2 A example of cipher code of shift code 13

message = input("Enter a message to encode or decode: ") # Get a message
message = message.upper()           # Make it all UPPERCASE :)
output = ""                         # Create an empty string to hold output
for letter in message:              # Loop through each letter of the message
    if letter.isupper():            # If the letter is in the alphabet (A-Z),
        value = ord(letter) + 13    # shift the letter value up by 13,
        letter = chr(value)         # turn the value back into a letter,
        if not letter.isupper():    # and check to see if we shifted too far
            value -= 26             # If we did, wrap it back around Z->A
            letter = chr(value)     # by subtracting 26 from the letter value
    output += letter                # Add the letter to our output string
print("Output message: ", output)   # Output our coded/decoded message

6.3 String Methods

6.3.1 Most user Python String Mehtod

s="a string"
s.lower() # hello
s.upper() # HELLO

6.3.2 Python String Cheat Sheet

6.4 Home work

6.4.1 Make you own ASCII Arts

6.4.2 Make your double layer Cipher

Our cipher in the example is easy to cracked, make it harder to guess by double encode.

double cipher