
learning coding with Scratch , Python and Java


[Lesson 2] Get Start Scratch

2.1 About Scratch

Scratch is an online coding language and development environment that allows users to create interactive stories, games, animations, and multimedia projects. It is a free and open-source software that runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems.

2.1.1 Learn Scratch

2.1.2 Scratch practices

10 blocks will help you to start with scratch. You can view the pdf file and practice it.

2.2 Control and condition

In Scratch, control and condition are used to make the program to make decision or to repeat the same action multiple times.

2.2.1 Loop

2.2.2 Condition

2.2.3 Practice Loop and Condition

Let’s practice using loops and conditions in Scratch to make the Cat sprite do fun things!

Practice Task

How to Do It

  1. Spinning Cat:
    • Drag an “if” block into the scripting area.
    • Inside the “if” block, add a “mouse down?” block to check if the mouse key is pressed.
    • Add a “forever” block and put a “turn 15 degrees” block inside it.
    • This will make the Cat spin continuously when the mouse key is pressed.
  2. Changing Costumes:
    • Drag another “if” block into the scripting area.
    • Inside this “if” block, add a “mouse up?” block to check if the mouse key is released.
    • Add a “wait 1 second” block and a “next costume” block inside the “if” block.
    • This will make the Cat show a new costume every second when the mouse key is released.

2.3 Animation in Scratch

2.3.1 Animation with Sprite from Library

2.3.2 Drawing your costume

2.3.3 Animation with code

2.4 Scratch practices and project

2.4.1 Practices

2.4.1 Project of this class

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