
learning coding with Scratch , Python and Java

Git.03 Use GitHub Sites to host your web project

1. Create repository for your website

Once you’ve signed in, wil will able to create a new repository.

Please create a new repository make sure the name start with your User Name and after with “”, make sure your username here is case sensitive. ex: “{yourUserName}

Note: you could check the Initialize the repository with a README, so the default file will be your default page

2. Clone your new repository

Follow the previous class step to clone your web project repository


3. Update the and check in to master/main branch

The are using markdown format, github will auto generate html for you.

to learn markdown please check below

4. Add your first web page

Markdown could let you write your page quickly, but it have many limitation. if you want get a real HTML page, you could add your own HTML files.

if you put your index.html, it will replace the as your default page.

4.1 Create a index.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Hello World</h1>
<p>I'm hosted with GitHub Pages.</p>

    <a href="{yourUserName}">My gitHub</a>


4.2 Push to the github and check your site

add html

5. visit your first GitHub Page


6. Ref