
learning coding with Scratch , Python and Java

05 If and Else

5.1 Go Left and Go Right, Make Decision with if


if key work used with comparison check like below

            givenCommand = "right"

            if givenCommand == "right":
                print("go right")

            givenCommand = "left"

            if givenCommand == "left":
                print("go left")

5.2 Use the else keyword


5.3 Use the elif keyword


5.4 Practices if, elif, else with your input

Try and give many input with below code:

givenCommand4 = input("Which direction you want to go? right/left(r/l):")

while givenCommand4 != "":
    if givenCommand4 == "left":
        print("go left")
    elif givenCommand4 == "right":
        print("go right")
    elif givenCommand4 == "r":
        print("go right")
    elif givenCommand4 == "l":
        print("go left")
        print ("I don't know where to go!")
    givenCommand4 = input("Which direction you want to go? right/left(r/l):")

5.5 Python Comparison Operators


5.5.1 practices > , < , == with your input

Try and give some input number with below code:

            myNumber = 5

            yourInput = input("Give a number between 1 to 10?")
            givenNumber = int(yourInput)

            if givenNumber == myNumber:
                print( "equal")
            elif givenNumber > myNumber:
            elif givenNumber < myNumber:
                print("this will not reached!")

5.5.2 Practices >= , <= with your input

            grade = eval(input("Enter your number grade (0-100): "))
            if grade >= 90:
                print("You got an A! :) ")
            elif grade >= 80:
                print("You got a B!")
            elif grade >= 70:
                print("You got a C.")
            elif grade >= 60:
                print("You got a D...")
                print("You got an F. :( ")

5.6 Use if else in loop

ifelse in loop

5.7 Use if else in the loop with continue

if else in loop and continue

5.8 Use if else in the loop with break

if else in loop and break

5.9 Complex Conditions with Logic Operators and, or, not



5.10 Challenge


5.11 Practice

  1. Conditional Loop

ex. Write a Python program to construct the following pattern, using a nested for loop.

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  1. Python Loop Quiz

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