
learning coding with Scratch , Python and Java

Learn programming from Scratch (for 3-6 G)

This class is for students in grades 3-6 who have no programming experience. Students will learn through hands-on projects in class.


Each student need below items for this class:

  1. A Laptop or iPad with at least 4G memory and internet access. (Make sure it’s fully charged or bring a power cord.)
  2. An email account. (Parents, please set up one for your child and let them keep the password.)
  3. An account on (Parents, please check your email to confirm your child’s account after it’s created.)
  4. Books for reference (optional):


  1. Introduce scratch (and Join the MLCCC Coding Class Studio)

  2. Get start scratch

    • Control
      • Condition: if else
      • Loop Repeat and forever
    • Animation in scratch
      • Drawing: Vector and bitmap
      • Sprite Costumes
      • Script animation
    • project: about me
  3. Variables

    • Define and view variables
    • Scope: global and local
    • Type: Numerical and String
    • Use Operators
    • Set variable value by input
    • project
  4. More loops
    1. Looping Types
    2. Double loop
    3. Triple loop
    4. Practice and project
  5. More Conditions: Boolean

    • Boolean Type
    • Boolean Operator in conditions
    • Project
  6. Functions (Blocks)
    • Defining make a block
    • Creating a Customer Block and Script
    • Passing Data to blocks
    • project
  7. Instances (Clone)

    • Clones and Clone Blocks
    • Clones and Local Variables
    • Sharing Clone Data
    • Project
  8. Events (Broad casting message)
    • Event Driven Programming
    • Broadcast Blocks
    • Broadcast and Wait
    • Multi-threading
    • Project
  9. List
    • List and List Blocks
    • Create a List
    • Operate items in List
    • Example
    • project: Following Star
  10. Projects
  11. final projects