
learning coding with Scratch , Python and Java

Learn python and web development

This class is for students of grade 6-8, who has little or no programming experience. Students will learn Python and web programming, and learn how to completed projects and through hands-on projects on classes.


Each student need below items for this class**

  1. A Laptop with at least 4G memory with internet access.(please make sure fully charged or bring a power cord)
  2. Please make sure your kids could install software (Python, VsCode) to your computer.
  3. An email account, (parents please set up one for your kids, and let them keep the password)
  4. An account of
  5. An account of
  6. Books for reference(Optional):

  7. Online reference


Section 1: Python Programming

  1. Introduce and get start with python
  2. Drawing with Python Turtle
  3. Number, Variables and Type
  4. Loops
  5. Conditions: If-Else
  6. String, Characters and Cipher Programming
  7. Python Functions
  8. Python Class and Object
  9. Python OOP
  10. Introduce Pygame
    1. GetStart
    2. More PyGame
    3. Build a AirForce Game step by step
    4. Rewrite the AirForce game with OOP
    5. Build the AirFoce Game use Cursor AI
  11. Python game: TicTacToe
  12. Final project and practice
### Section 2: Basic Data Structure and Algorithms 1. Data Structure - [list](/python/3_Algorithm/3.1_list.html) - Tuples - Dictionaries - Sets - Stacks - Queue - Tree - Linked List 2. Problem solving with algorithms - Simulation - Basic Complete Search - Search with Recursion - Sorting problem

Section 2: Version control with Github

  1. Learn to use git for version control
  2. Use smartGit as git client
  3. Use VSCode SourceControl with github
  4. Using GitHub sites

Section 3: Web Development (Optional)

  1. Install MS VSCode for Html editor
  2. Build your first web page
  3. Basic HTML
  4. Project: build About Me web page with html
  5. Basic Javascript
  6. Project: Build a simple web page with javascript